What’s Included In Personal Care?

What’s included in personal care?

With age comes great wisdom and perspective, but it also holds its own challenges. Whether you require additional help around the house or would like a companion to accompany you on regular appointments and day-to-day activities, our friendly caregivers at Absolute Care & Health can give you the right kind of support whenever you would like a hand. Everyone is an individual, so we will tailor a personal care plan to your specific circumstances. We ensure it’s perfectly matched to you, your goals and the lifestyle you’d like to lead.

What is personal care?

So what is personal care you may be asking? As the name suggests, personal care is one type of in-home care that provides assistance to individuals who require additional help completing day-to-day tasks, but who otherwise can lead a normal, independent life. This could be something as simple as preparing a cup of tea or helping with more complicated tasks like the fitment of a posture corrector. 

You can receive personal care in your own home, allowing you to maintain your familiar lifestyle comforts, with the welcome assistance of your own friendly caregiver from Absolute Care & Health. You don’t need to move into a residential facility to receive personal care services.

Personal care is about more than just physically assisting you with common daily tasks where you need a little extra help. Our caregivers are also there to provide that important sense of companionship, give general advice or simply be a sympathetic ear when you’d like someone to chat to about your day.

Often, our caregivers find themselves developing strong relationships with our clients, where they benefit from the wisdom and perspective our clients have gained through many years of life experience. On the other hand, our clients will tell us they enjoy passing on their stories and advice to a younger generation who will benefit from them the most!

  • Personal care allows you to maintain your independence and lifestyle
  • Personal care is provided by professional caregivers who will assist you with daily tasks
  • Our caregivers also provide companionship and a listening ear
  • In-home personal care allows you to continue enjoying the comforts of your own home

Help with everyday tasks and more

Your personal care plan is designed to meet your specific daily challenges, lifestyle goals, and other personal requirements – with the ultimate aim of helping you maintain an independent lifestyle in your senior years. This means you and your relatives will have a direct say in how it works.

It all begins with an initial care assessment conducted by one of our registered nurses and client care managers. They will meet with you and your relatives at a convenient time to find out more about your lifestyle, daily habits, health conditions, specific concerns, and challenges you have around completing daily tasks, as well as the things you’re looking for in a caregiver. Once we get to know you a bit better, we will take all this information into careful consideration, before designing a care plan you are comfortable with.

While each client is different, generally speaking personal care includes supporting you with the following activities:

Daily household tasks

  • Help getting out of bed in the morning
  • Help with showering, toilet visits and personal grooming
  • Help getting dressed and ready for appointments
  • Assistance preparing meals and cooking
  • General household laundry and cleaning
  • General household mobility

General health and wellbeing

  • Help taking and keeping track of medications
  • Help managing specific health conditions, such as alzheimer’s, dementia, diabetes, and physical disability
  • Help with continence issues
  • Assistance attending medical appointments
  • Assistance operating special mobility and medical equipment

Companionship and emotional support

  • Providing general company around the house
  • Providing a listening ear
  • Coffee, dinner, and other social events
  • Reading and playing board games

How you can benefit from personal care: What our clients say

Our clients tell us the personal care they receive has improved their overall quality of life in a number of important ways. From help with cooking, laundry, and keeping the house clean, to simply being someone they can trust and talk to. Our caregivers can make everyday life that little bit easier. Here’s a few testimonials from our happy clients to give you an idea of how you could benefit from a tailored personal care plan:

“At Absolute Care & Health everyone is incredibly nice. They did a lot of work to make sure that we have the right carers, ones that we can feel at home with.” – Gloria & Ted, married clients

“When the Absolute Care and Health Carers are here I know that if James asked for something he would get it. They even do the ironing which is such an incredible help to me. That has allowed me to get out and do what I need to do.” – James & Sue, married clients

“It’s important that I can stay in my home, I’ve been here 40 years. I have memories here with my children, playing in the garden when they were young.” – Huguette, client

Contact us to find out more

Interested in our personal care services and would like to find out more? Contact our friendly staff today for a chat or visit our personal care page. We’d love to hear from you and we’re always happy to help!


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