In-Home Aged Care | Your Rights And Responsibilities

As your loved ones age, you want them to receive care that promotes both quality of life and the freedom of personal independence. In-home care does just that – allowing aged people to lead safe, comfortable and fulfilled lives at home.

Aged care is an inalienable human right in Australia. With this right comes certain responsibilities that both care recipients and care providers must uphold.

  • Care recipients are to be informed and treated with respect and dignity at all times.
  • Care providers must be allowed to perform their duties to the best of their ability.

At Absolute Care & Health, quality care is of utmost importance. We take pride in treating both our staff and clients with the highest levels of dignity and respect.

Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights and Responsibilities – Home Care

When it comes to in-home aged care, the rights and responsibilities of all parties fall under the Australian Government’s new Aged Care Quality Standards, specifically the Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights and Responsibilities – Home Care.

Care recipients

In-home aged care, such as through Home Care Packages, allows your loved ones to enjoy social connectivity and personal freedom, with direct access to nursing and other assistance. This is an essential step in providing a higher quality of life.

The rights and responsibilities of care recipients outlined in the Charter have been developed to provide care that is transparent, dignified, and of the highest possible quality.

Rights of care recipients

Every aged care recipient, regardless of their age, race or financial status, is entitled to a series of protections that ensure a dignified and enjoyable transition into their next stage of life.

Every care recipient is to:

  • Be treated with respect by all parties
  • Be involved in deciding what level and kind of care they require
  • Receive a written agreement covering all elements of care
  • Have care and services reviewed at their request
  • Have personal information held privately and with confidentiality
  • Be allowed to make complaints and comments on the care they receive
  • Have financing determined in a way that is transparent, accessible and fair
  • Be given a copy of the Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights and Responsibilities

Responsibilities of care recipients

In-home care recipients also have their own set of responsibilities. These responsibilities ensure that carers are able to provide the high level of service that you would expected for those you hold dear.

An in-home aged care recipient must:

  • Respect the rights of care providers (outlined below)
  • Be transparent with care providers and allow them to deliver care
  • Read and follow the terms of the written agreement
  • Allow care providers safe and reasonable access to the home
  • Keep up to date with payments outlined in the written agreement

Care providers

Care providers and their organisations are essential parts of the aged care system. Without them, there would be a tremendous strain on public hospitals, care facilities and even your own family.

Care providers have a different set of rights and responsibilities to care recipients. These are still aligned with the same goal of developing a safe, fulfilling and functional environment in the home.

Rights of care providers

Aged care service providers are entitled to a set of rights that help them successfully perform their duties as carers.

A service or care provider is entitled to:

  • Confidentiality and privacy in all matters, personal and professional
  • Recognition as a contributor to the health of the care recipient by other health professionals
  • Be heard and treated with respect by all parties
  • Go about their work in public without discrimination
  • Complain about provided services and care recipients
  • Seek appeal against decisions that they disagree with

Responsibilities of service providers

As the main caregivers for many aged people, care providers must abide by certain legal responsibilities in their position as carer.

These responsibilities include:

  • Providing information to care recipients about services
  • Advising care recipients on any changes to these services
  • Treating recipients with the utmost respect for privacy and dignity
  • Handling the concerns or complaints of recipients fairly and confidentially

Why choose Absolute Health & Care

The core of the Absolute Health & Care philosophy, is to make people happy at home. Your loved ones are entitled to enjoy their lives on their own terms – with respect, dignity and independence.

We hold our care recipients in the highest regard, and we take the rights and responsibilities outlined above very seriously. As part of our service guarantee, we promise to always:

  • Adhere to the rights and responsibilities dictated in the Charter.
  • Solve problems by asking questions, making sure that you are always in the loop
  • Place the needs of carer recipients and care providers on an even footing
  • Maintain our independence and deliver outcomes that are above industry standards.

If you’d like to hear more about how we protect the rights and responsibilities of care recipients and care providers, or would like to hear about our related services, get in touch today.


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