Resource Centre

Can I Get A Cleaner Through The NDIS?

The NDIS funds ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports for people with disabilities. This means if a participant can’t perform tasks like vacuuming and cleaning because of their disability, the NDIS will provide funds for a support worker to do these tasks instead. However, the NDIS won’t provide funds for specialist services, such as an electrician or […]

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Your Comprehensive Guide On How To Apply For NDIS Funding

Applying for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can greatly improve quality of life for individuals and families around Australia affected by disability. Like all government programs, there are certain bureaucratic steps that must be followed to access this funding. This article will investigate exactly what you need to do to apply for the NDIS.

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Can The NDIS Help With Rent?

The NDIS provides funding for a variety of supports and services which will help participants maintain independence and gain skills. When a person applies for the NDIS, they can create short-term and long-term goals for anything from accessing the community to finding a job or studying at university. The NDIS also provides funding for home

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What Happens To My NDIS Plan When I Turn 65?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is Australia’s core support system for people with a disability. Participants apply for an NDIS plan, which outlines their short-term and long-term goals, and registered NDIS providers supply supports to help participants achieve these goals. The eligibility criteria says you need to be aged between 7 and 65 to

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What Are The Core Supports In An NDIS Plan?

As part of applying for the NDIS, applicants need to work out where they want to spend the money allocated to their plan. To make the process easier, the NDIA has split the services it offers into three budget categories: Core Supports Capacity Building Supports Capital Supports It’s important to remember your funding is always

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Does The NDIS Cover Psychology?

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has supports specifically designed for those who have been diagnosed with mental health conditions which resulted in long-term disabilities. However, it is important to distinguish that not everyone with a mental health condition will experience disability. The type of disability the NDIA provides NDIS supports for is classified as

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What Kind Of Disabilities Does The NDIS Cover?

Since it first formed, the NDIS has changed immensely. It can be challenging for those seeking its services to understand the eligibility and requirements. Who qualifies for an NDIS plan? Which disabilities does the NDIS support? At Absolute Care & Health, we specialise in providing daily supports for those with an NDIS plan. Whether you need

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What Happens To My Centrelink Payments When I Receive An NDIS Plan?

Navigating Centrelink can be a complex process. Centrelink assistance is in high demand, and finding the answers you seek online, via phone, and in person, can be difficult and frustrating. Not knowing how the system works can be stressful, especially because Centrelink is very strict about compliance. It’s important to report to them if your

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What Are The Eligibility Requirements For NDIS?

The NDIS makes sure that everyone who needs support, gets support. Subsequently, the eligibility criteria is quite broad. Of the estimated 4.3 million in Australia living with a disability, an estimated 500,000 will receive funding from the NDIS by 2025. Specifically, an applicant to the NDIS meets the eligibility requirements when they satisfy: Both the age and

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